Thanks, faithful readers, for wondering what's been happening in our garden! A rare treat is in store for you: no talkie, just lookie. I'll let the photos tell the story this time.
Corn 06.26.09
Corn 08.1.09
Tomatoes 08.01.09
Zucchini. OMG.
Haricots vert (much classier sounding than "green beans").
Gorgeous Swiss Chard (Saturday night dinner with whole wheat pasta, garlic, tomatoes, parm, pine nuts and onion).
Pesto, baby!
This was the 5th of July. Carrots, beets, peas!
Unfortunately, we overplanted lettuce and it bolted. Waste! I hate it!
Fingerling potato blossom. So sweet! We had some for brunch today, along with a zucchini and basil frittata. Life is very good!
Is anything more beautiful than a vegetable garden in summer? The colors! The textures!
The problem with the sky around here is it's just not blue enough. Gosh!